The Paraguayan Chamber of Cassava and Starches CAPAMA, constituted on September 16, 2014 in order to:
Nucleate all industrial companies in the country dedicated to the processing of cassava and other raw materials to the production of starch and to people linked to the sector, exercising their representation in the defense of their rights and in the protection of their common interests.
Associated Companies
To be Paraguay one of the largest producers of starch in the Americas; organize strategic alliances with international organizations in support of capama's objectives; support the export of starches and derivatives;
Promote the cultivation of cassava and other items related to raw materials for the production of starches as an alternative to improve the standard of living of small and medium-sized producers in Paraguay;
To increase the production, industrialization and marketing of cassava and other raw materials dedicated to starch production; Among others.-
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The cassava industry has already entered this year about US $ 36 million in the small peasant farm, adding the sales made to the starch industries and the markets for fresh consumption, which are US $ 11.4 million and...
26 October, 2021
To date, the Paraguayan cassava starch industry ranks fourth in the ranking of the largest exporters worldwide. Despite this good result, the local industry is not satisfied and takes on a new challenge: working to develop and integrate the...
26 October, 2021
With the installation of factories that process cassava, the starch industry became an important competitor within the segment and positioned itself in the foreign market. Cassava starch production in 2020 was 47,900 tons, a figure considered auspicious by the...
26 October, 2021
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